Friday, January 23, 2015

Saving Money

When we work with our clients one of the largest stressers to planning their event is money.  How much will it cost, Why does that cost so much, How can we save money, Where can we get discounts?  All of these questions are ones we get all the time.  While it is important for us to help our clients save money it is also important to remember that each and every person you are working with is also trying to make a living.  So there is a fine line with asking them to drastically slash their pricing and getting a discount/deal.

Here are a few things to think about.  If you are planning a wedding be honest with the people you are hiring.  Not ever vendor adds extra money just because it is a wedding.  YES, they may charge more than they would for a party but that is because a Wedding usually takes more time and energy.  More time = More costs. Planning a party for 100 take way less time and energy than planning a wedding for 100.  But here are a few things you can do to help save for those costs.

1. Meal Plan - Yes it is true, if you plan out your meals less food will go to waste, you will know what is for lunch/dinner therefore will not have the "I don't know what to make lets just eat out" feeling and you can find ways to incorporate leftovers into your meal prep.  This in the long run can save you lots of money.

2. Eat out less/Eat out Smarter - Try to eat our only 1-2 times a month or less.  And when you do watch what you are eating.  Not only can you save money doing this but you can also save calories.  Instead of ordering a drink, order water.  Instead of paying to add cheese have it without.  Less calories and some places it costs as much as $1.75 to add cheese.  Now you may say that $1.75 isn't much but that can add up over a year to being as much as $26

3. Shop Thrifty - Shopping at Thrift Store and Goodwill can really save you a lot of money if you are willing to shop.  Many times just like you and me, People will donate items that have never been worn or used because they buy them and either get home and don't like it or it doesn't fit or they forget about it.  Then they donate it.  By being patient and shopping around sometimes you can find items brand new.

4. Swap Nights - If you and your girlfriends are all shopping gals have a swap night.  Everyone brings 5-7 items that they no longer wear and you swap with your friends.  :)  Remember that shirt your friend has that you love? Maybe its no longer their favorite and now you have a new to you item in your closet.

5. Coupons - Yes they can be time consuming but hey who doesn't love saving money on your food or day to day items.  Many stores now allow you to register your card on their app and download coupons directly so that you do not even have to "clip" them out of the paper.

6. Saving Jar - Make a saving jar, add a card or tag to the front of it that has your goal and what the money will be used for.  Then any time you have coins put them in there.  It may not add up fast but over time it will be a great addition to your savings.  Other ways to do this.  Each time you turn down something you don't need, lets say an extra coffee or drink at Happy Hour after work, put the amount saved into your jar.  So if your coffee costs you $4.50 and you turn down buying one add $4.50 to your jar.  You will be amazed at how fast cutting simple things out will add up.  Now I don't mean to say give it up completely but find other outlets.  If you are tired or stressed and want a second cup try grabbing a bottle of water or going for a brisk walk instead.

7. SAVE - Yes it is just that simple.  Try a saving experiment.  Start the month of February by going to the bank and getting out $28.  Now put that in a safe place at home and don't touch it.  Then do the same in March, get $31 out and put it with your $28 from February.  Continue this for the rest of the year.  $1 per day for each day of the month.  Do this at the beginning of the month with your FIRST paycheck for that month.  Once you have 3-4 months take it BACK to the bank and put it in a separate savings account that you won't touch.  Continue adding to it each month at the first of the month.  By the end of the year you will be amazed at how much is there. You may not earn much in interest but you will have $1 for every day of the year.  Keep doing this for another year and before long you will have a very nice little savings account that can be used for wedding items, a trip, the honeymoon, something for your house or even an anniversary trip.  Want to take it one step farther? try adding an extra $5 each month to what you are already adding.  So Feb - $28, March $36, April (add $10) $40, May (Add $15) $46 and so on.  By doing this you will find that by the end of the year you can save as much as $600.

Thanks for reading our blog.  We know this was along one but hope you found some useful tips in it.  Feel free to share your money saving tips with us as well.

Lisa Marie
Owner/Senior Wedding-Event Specialist

Monday, January 5, 2015

Our Creative Sides!

As wedding and event planners we enjoy getting to show our creative side.  So from time to time we will do an inspiration shoot, tabletop design competition, create Pinterest boards or even a set on Polyvore.  So we thought we would share a few links with all our followers.

A few years ago we participating in the ISES Tabletop competition.  Below are a few pictures of the tables we created for the 2013 year.

Special thank you to Erica Ann Photography for the images, Le Cookie Monkey for the "favors" and Barclay Event Rentals for the linens. :)  This was our English Garden feel.  We wanted to keep it kinda simple with some beautiful pops of color.

So feel free to read some of the blog's (yes these inspiration shoots are almost 2 years old but 2 of our favorites!), Follow us on Pinterest and even check out our Polyvore which we started just over two years ago and haven't used much till recently when a client asked for some color designs for her wedding.  You can also follow us on Instagram under Eventsbylisamarie

A romantic and cozy shoot. Be sure to check out the full article on Ruffled!
Totally awesome inspiration shoot we did in Portland with some amazing professionals! 

Thanks so much for all the support

Lisa Marie
Events by Lisa Marie