You got Engaged! You are Excited!

It is Bridal Show Season and you will probably be attending a lot of shows. These can be overwhelming and stressful, but there are lots of ways to NOT let it get to you. See Below for our survival tips in the next few months.
1. Create an email address for all wedding related things.
2. Before you attend any show make a list of what you are wanting to look for.
3. Create and PRINT labels with your information on them to take to shows. Include
a. Both your name and your future spouses name
b. Your email address (see step 1 above)
c. Your Wedding Date (if you don't have one yet put TBD)
d. Your Venue (again put TBD if you haven't signed a contract)
e. Your Wedding Colors
f. Your PHONE number
4. Research online which shows fit your style and personality. Trust me not all shows cater to the same style or couple.
5. Make sure you have a budget in place (feel free to put your budget range for items beside them in step 2)
6. Remember to wear comfortable clothes and shoes
7. Try not to bring a big purse or bags. At most shows at least 1 exhibit will have a bag for you to take and fill.
8. Check the schedule of the show you want to attend so you don't miss anything like the fashion show.
9. Make notes on your sheet (see step 2) of things and booths you liked. It is hard to remember them when you get back home later. Bring
stickers to mark the vendors cards that you really like. It is hard to remember
them all.
10. DO NOT feel obligated to take everything everyone hands you. Yes exhibitors want you to see their material, but
if it's not what your looking for, or need, don't take it - YOU will stay less
stressed if you take only what you need (again see step 2) :)